September 1, 2010

Darkfall Character Races

Choose a Race

Option A: Choose the race you think looks the best. You will spend a lot of time looking at this avatar. Also, consider the gender. In my case for example, Ork females are ugly, so a male is preferable. However, if I were rolling a Mirdain, the males look irritating to me (they seem effete), so I would prefer a female. In the end, the starting stats don't matter and all the races can be good at any of the skill areas, though they will have certain advantages (e.g., Orks will do extra damage with high rank axes due to Orkish Brutality).

You might also want to consider the starting area where you will spend a lot of time. Do you have racial allies that will allow you to use their npc cities? This can give you more options in doing quests, harvesting resources, etc. Also, some races complain that their area is ugly and barren (Alfar, Ork). If you want a more aesthetically pleasing environment, consider another race.

Option B: Some of you may want a little more detail when considering which race to choose, so let's look at each one.The starting stats are as follows:

  • Alfar: Str 15/Vit 15/Dex 20/Quick 20/Int 25/Wis 20
  • Dwarves: Str 20/Vit 25/Dex 15/Quick 17/Int 15/Wis 25 
  • Humans: Str 20/Vit 20/Dex 20/Quick 20/Int 20/Wis 20
  • Mirdain: Str 17/Vit 15/Dex 25/Quick 20/Int 20/Wis 20
  • Mahirim: Str 20/Vit 20/Dex 20/Quick 25/Int 20/Wis 15
  • Orks: Str 25/Vit 20/Dex 20/Quick 15/Int 15/Wis 15


The Alfar are one of the more popular race choices in Darkfall and start with higher intelligence than other races and get Alfar Resilience (natural resistance to acid attacks) at 20 vitality and Alfar Cunning (increases maximum mana) at 40 intelligence. This tends to be viewed as mage race to some extent, however some people say that because they are short, it is harder to see over others when casting (like a short quarterback trying to pass over tall linemen). Because they are short, the reach is also short, so polearms (slower than other 2H weapons, but with longer reach) can be a way to compensate for that. Also, the best polearm in the game can only be crafted by Alfar. On the other hand, the small size of the Alfar can make them harder to hit.The Alfar are at war with all races and thus have no racial alliance.


The Dwarves are one of the less chosen races even though they are short and hard to hit (despite their apparent girth). One of the benefits of rolling a Dwarf is that the starter area is relatively less crowded than in Human or Alfar lands, so gathering resources will be less competitive. Additionally, Dwarves get Dwarven Durability (a small increase to maximum health) at vitality 40, Dwarven Perseverance (a small resistance against debuffs and reduces stamina loss in melee) at vitality 50. And if all that isn't enough to convince you to roll a Dwarf, there is Dwarven Steelmaster (increases durability while crafting armor). This, along with a high starting wisdom, can make them a good race for crafters. Some people complain that they have a relatively short reach but others say it is the same as humans. The Dwarven racial weapon is the great club, so you might consider that in your choice of 2H weapon. The Dwarves are allied with Humans and the Mirdain. They are at war with Orks, Mahirim, and Alfar.


This is the most popular race in Agon. Personally, I cannot understand why people play a fantasy game and want to be human there in addition to in RL. However, it is the will of the people, apparently. Accordingly, the human starter areas are relatively more crowded than other races and there tends to be more ganking there as well. Race choice preferences aside, humans have what may be considered a good starting level in all of the attributes without any distinct advantages or disadvantages. Females are a bit shorter than males, thus providing a smaller hit box. Racial benefits include Human Willpower (a bonus to maximum mana) at intelligence 40 and Human Ingenuity (gives a bonus to nourishment duration from food) at wisdom 25. The human racial weapon is the 2H greatsword. Humans are allied with Dwarves and Mirdain. They are at war with Orks, Mahirim, and Alfar.


These elves are a little taller than humans but have a similar reach. The height can be considered an advantage in providing a better view for archery or casting. Most Mirdain use a 2H sword and their racial weapon is a bow. Mirdain also get a starting bonus in dexterity which is good for archery. They disadvantage is relatively low starting vitality and strength. This can be overcome with mining and logging early in your character's life. Racial bonuses include Mirdain Insight (an increase to max mana) at intelligence 40 and Mirdain Elfsight (allows the ability to identify targets a few feet further away) with archery 25. Mirdain are allied with Humans and Dwarves. They are at war with Orks, Mahirim, and Alfar.


This is the tallest race with the longest reach. To balance this, Mahirim also have the biggest hit box. The racial weapon is a 1H sword, which is really not viable as a main weapon at this time. The good news is that Mahirim have other options like extending their already greater reach with polearms, or using that reach with the high damage of knives, or using 2H swords as most players do. Long reach can make short targets harder to hit unless you look down. Mahirim get Mobility (makes strafing faster), which many players say is a significant help in pvp and a faster run speed with Mahirim Huntspeed at quickness 30 (though sprinting is the same for all races). They also get Mahirim Endurance (small max health increase) at vitality 40. The Mahirim are allied with Orks and at war with Humans, Dwarves, Mirdain, and Alfar.


Big, strong and nasty, only the Mahirim are taller and have a longer reach. Most Orks use the 2H greataxe due to the racial ability of Orkish Brutality (increases damage with greataxes). Another racial ability is Orkish Toughness (a small increase in max health) with vitality 40. Just as with the Mahirim, the long reach of the Orks can make shorter targets harder to hit, so you have to aim down with your melee weapon. Orks have a low starting intelligence, so they tend to be seen more as melee characters than casters. But again, since there is not skill cap, Orks can develop their intelligence and become casters just as any other race. Orks are allied with the Mahirim. They are at war with Humans, Dwarves, Mirdain, and Alfar.

Coming up: weapon considerations in brief, clans for beginners, Valroth video commentaries, etc.

August 30, 2010

Basic Magic and Weapon Skill Milestones

There are some other guides and useful information out there for Darkfall beginners, but I have found nothing as immediately useful as Valroth's video series on accelerated character development. It is divided into four parts for a total of about 40 minutes of viewing. I recommend that you watch these videos first, before logging in. Almost all of the questions newbs ask in race or alliance chat can be answered in Valroth's videos much more quickly and efficiently.

The following information is noted from Valroth's videos (with some updates) so you can refer to it without taking notes yourself when you watch the videos.

Thanks to Valroth and the other constructive members of the Darkfall community for this information. Remember to check the forums for more detailed information.

 To Do List: The TLDR Version

After you get enough gold, buy a two-handed weapon so you can gain skill points. The starter weapon doesn't help you raise skill. As soon as you can kill goblin shamans, start collecting their staffs and use them to raise magic skills with heal self whenever it's off cooldown, and mana missile at any wildlife or mobs.

Skill Milestones

25 Lesser Magic

Go to mage trainer and purchase mana to stamina (150G), health to mana (100G),  and Eldritch Sphere (100G) all under spells, and durable spells lesser magic under skills (50G).

25 Weapon

You should be working on a two-handed weapon (more discussion on which one to come in another post). Visit fighter trainer and purchase power attack (500G) on the weapon skills tab. Equip it on your hotbar and start using it.

50 Lesser Magic

Visit mage in racial capital and purchase the skills greater magic (100G) and mana efficiency lesser magic (100G). Also purchase the greater magic spell rend (200G) and lesser magic spell heal mount (150G) and stamina to health (200G). To get a mount you need 1 steedgrass from herb gathering and 700G. Go to the arcanist npc and buy a tamer's whistle (200G) and under the service tab the crafting skill taming (500G).

25 Greater Magic

Purchase durable spells greater magic (200G).

50 Weapon

Go to fighter in racial capital and purchase whirlwind attack (1000G).

50 Greater Magic

Purchase your first elemental school (1000G) from mage in capital.Choose one elemental school to focus on at first (more detail on this issue to come). Purchase the first elemental bolt (350G) and upgrade the bolt spell (1000G) with velocity (see the fighter, oddly enough) so you don't miss as often and waste reagents. Also purchase the two available elemental buffs (2 x 350G) for that school. Additionally, purchase mana efficiency greater magic (200G), and upgrade rend with jump (1000G). Finally, purchase the school of witchcraft (500G) and the witchcraft spell needles (300G).

75 Lesser Magic

Purchase quicken spells lesser magic (200G) and upgrade Eldritch Sphere with velocity (1000G).

Watch Valroth's Videos

Here is the link in case you missed it: Valroth's Guides

Coming up: Character selection - which race? Setting up your UI, Choose your weapon, ways to use your newbie protection, should you join NEW? Other basic stuff, detailed commentaries and notes on Valroth's videos

August 29, 2010

Darkfall Online and You

If you've heard or read about Darkfall Online, the MMORPG by  independent developer Aventurine, then you may be curious as to what kind of game it is. With the free trial now, there is really no reason not to try it and see for yourself. However, you will get a lot more out of this game with its steep learning curve and some of its (how shall I put this?) occasionally vexing community members, if you consider a few things first.

People either love or hate this game, whether they have played it or not.

From WoW to Darkfall
Old-style theme park orc

If you wonder what is beyond the world of tab targeting, theme park games like WoW, Age of Conan, or Everquest, you have only a few released sandbox options including EVE Online, Darkfall, Mortal Online, and maybe Fallen Earth. A lot of people say, with the exception of EVE, that these games are paid betas. There is some merit to this view.

There are some titles I'm keeping an eye on that are officially in various stages of beta, including Dawntide and Earthrise, among others. No one knows how these games will turn out or when they will be released but they herald a trend toward sandbox games that I hope will take root and break the mold made by Everquest and WoW.

Having played, tried or beta-tested all of the games I've mentioned except Earthrise, I will speak from my direct personal experience and opinion, for whatever it's worth. I'll talk about the MMORPG genre in general, Darkfall gameplay as I've experienced and read about it, and the Darkfall community and forums.

Who Plays Darkfall?

Darkfall ork
People who play this game believe in it. It does sound strange, I admit. But it goes a long way toward explaining the zealousness players show in supporting their favorite games, especially sandbox titles like Darkfall and Mortal Online, which are both published by small independent developers who trace their gaming lineage back to playing Ultima Online (which I have never played).

In addition to the people who are conscious, sentient homo sapiens, let there be no doubt that there are some disturbed individuals who are also drawn to this game for the "freedom" and the free for all (FFA) full loot PvP. Even with this substantial and vocal part of the community, I still enjoy this game and will discuss why later.

The sandbox game is supposed to be about freedom. Darkfall is supposed to be a game with no classes, no leveling, and very few restrictions on a player's choices. At present, many people including myself, see a significant gap between what Darkfall is supposed to be and what it is right now. But those of us who continue to play are having fun with what Darkfall is and we believe in what it can become.

Bottom line on this game: Darkfall is the best MMORPG on the market in spite of its many flaws (with the huge disclaimer that if you can handle having a spaceship as an avatar, then EVE Online is in a class of its own).

Bottom line on Aventurine: Visionary and brilliant conceptualists but inept at community relations (whether they are incompetent in running a business is in hot debate, but I reserve my judgment on this because only time will tell). See forums as this is the hot topic of today.

My Darkfall Credentials

Actually a noobish player, I've been playing Darkfall Online since January 2010. I'm on my third character on my main account. I just bought a second alt account. Obviously, I like this game, but I'm going to tell you where it comes up short, too.

The definition of my play style is casual, which means an average of 4 hours played per day for a total of about 5 months due to time away from the game: I quit for a while early on and sometimes life gets to busy for gaming. Some days I don't log in. Other days, I'm on for 6 or 8 hours, with a lot of that time spent away from the keyboard doing something else. For example, as I write this, my alt is mining.

One of reasons I quit early was because of the amount of time it took to harvest materials such as wood, iron, fish, and herbs. These are essential to supplying and strengthening a new character until strong enough to fight mobs that drop the materials you need. I spent more time gathering and crafting than what I considered playing. Fortunately, I'm able to work at home grading papers, reading, preparing classes, writing and so on. This allows me gather and craft in windows mode. When I'm ready to go out hunting, fighting, or exploring, I can do that with my full attention. Unless you have a lifestyle or career that allows you to develop your character while semi-afk, I don't think you will be able to get the most out of this game. In fact, I think you'll wind up hating it. If anyone has a different view on this, please share in the comments.

A good play session for me is about 2-3 hours of PvE, exploring, or solo PvP rides into enemy territory. I'm not in a clan because of various reasons, which I will discuss elsewhere. Mainly, it's my preference to play solo for now.

Next: Detailed information for new players with skippable commentary, pondering, and rumination

Exploration of the vast (yet still unfinished) world of Agon is one of the main hooks that made me come back to Darkfall after my initial rage quit.